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信息來源: | 發(fā)布日期: 2014-08-20 | 瀏覽量:



  WHIRL FLASH DRYERS The Whirl Flash dryer (patent pending) is speciallydesigned for continuous drying of filter cakes, slurries, pastas and fibrous products. Whenever a product can be de-watered mechanically prior to the drying process (e.g. by decanters, centrifuges, filter pressess or similar), substantial reductions in dryer operations are achieved.

  Unlike other comparable dryer types in the market, the Whirl Flash dryer is ideal not only for inorganic chemicals. More difficult products, such as plant-based and meat proteins are dried successfully in the Whirl Flash dryer.

  Experience has shown significant energy savings when using the Whirl Flash dryer. The instant flash drying of the product drastically reduces the product heat degradations. This effect allows the use of significantly higher process temperature, and the consequence is a smaller dryer (lower investment) and lower energy consumption (lower production cost).

  For some products, replacing a traditional flash dryer with a Whirl Flash dryer reduces the overall production cost per kg final powder by over 40%.

  The feed product enters into a feed vat provided with a slow-rotating agitator, which presses the product down into the feed screw conveyor system. With a full screw conveyor, it is possible to accurately control the dryer process. The product enters into the drying chamber and is rapidly disintegrated by a fast moving rotor. Product surface is created, and the water is flashed off instantly. The semi-dry powder moves from the disintegration zone to the fluidization zone, where the residual moisture required is achieved at low temperature. Powder and air is taken out through an adjustable classifier, allowing certain particle size control. Powder and air is then taken to a powder separation system, typically a bag filter for powder separation. Often a powder cooling step is introduced at this point in order to flash cool the powder prior to bagging-off. The entire dryer process is fully automated.


Copyright ? 2017 江蘇健達干燥工程有限公司 - 閃蒸干燥機專題網(wǎng)站 版權(quán)聲明 蘇ICP備12060146號 地址:江蘇省常州市東青開發(fā)區(qū) E-mail: jianda@jian-da.com
 銷售電話:0519-88962888 傳真: 0519-88963888 技術(shù)支持:江蘇東網(wǎng)科技 網(wǎng)絡(luò)支持:中國干燥設(shè)備網(wǎng) [后臺管理]
